Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Health News for me!

Great news from my latest set of blood tests last week! My A1C = 6.8 which is way down from last year and a big cause for rejoicing . . . diet, exercise and the new meds (and if I keep doing this maybe the meds can get reduce . . . keeping my fingers crossed). My cholesterol is good (LDL = 70), thyroid, liver, kidneys, CBC . . . the doctor was really happy with these results along with the fact that I have lost 20 lbs since the beginning of the year. I feel like my energy levels are up much higher than they have been for a long time and my stress levels are down due to the exercise. Even my sleeping is better and i don't feel like i need so much.

Now if I could just get through this next phase of work . .. . darn testing again this weekend . . . I am "on-call" but they have already scheduled 8am meetings for Sat and Sun to go through defects. I wasn't planning on working that much!!! I guess someone forgot that Tday is next week so they had to schedule weekend work to make up for the 2 day holiday. LOL, I am taking off on Wednesday to drive to Arkansas . . . so they can wait on my technical expertise.

Better news (ironically so) is that I have now been extended thru June 2009, which means I probably will be safe from layoffs until that time . . . maybe, who knows for sure . . . everything is subject to change. So it is a mixed blessing . . . stupid project, but enough work to keep me busy for a few more months after this release goes live on Jan 12th.

OK, enough of this . . . I've been so busy with work the past few weeks and more this weekend . . . I think I'll just go up to bed and read for awhile . . . "Twilight" . . the one for the movie which opened today.

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