Sunday, February 18, 2024

Jasper, a 4 year old Norwegian Forest cat, came home in April, 2022

 Like I needed another cat , right??   I was at East Lake Cat Care Center when I spotted this big boy that had been surrendered.  He had some teeth removed since they were in bad shape so he was quite groggy.   I put my name down on him and a week later I brought him home.   A big Norwegian Forest Cat according to the vet.  I looked for similar breeds on the internet and I think he is a mix   . . .   but who cares??  He is a big dude!

Here we are almost 2 years down the road and I still wonder if he likes me.  It took him 2 months to come out of the room where I quarantined him from the other boys.  There are still spats amongst them and I am not sure he wouldn't be better off in a home with no other cats.  But mostly it is OK.  

He was diagnosed with diabetes in July 2023, so we  have had a total turn around in focus  with me giving him insulin shots twice a day.  He lost a lot of weight in the beginning so it has been a big adjustment in feeding to get him to gain weight.  Getting the insulin shots caused a big change in his appetite and he hated everything at first.  I was frantic for a few weeks as I was working on him gaining weight while adjusting his insulin.  It is definitely better.   I am no longer feeling his bones . . . ribs and hips were so obvious when I touched him but looking at him it was as he had long hair with a double coat.

I hope he will level off soon with the weight gain because I am afraid that he will eat himself into a giant  super-sized cat.

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