Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lost weekend . . work of course!

Last weekend ended up being a bit of a lost weekend due to having to be available during the big migration. Of course, "being available" and "working" are not exactly the same thing . . . I was really working as I ended having to activity chase down ppl to help me out with the things that were problems. This resulted in at least one rather negative incident where the "significant other" of the on-call person was yelling in the background "It's Sunday, it's Sunday" . . . I think she even hung up the phone when I called as I could hear her voice in the background although he said that sometimes the phone reception wasn't good at the house. LOL, well, I am sorry, but I had a deadline and I was being harassed from the other side. Besides, if he has responded on Saturday when I first called, then things would have been a bit better. I talked to another co-worker and she told me that this is the exact thing she had been telling me about . . . re: non-responsive support . . . and why she dreaded weekend migrations. Another co-worker mentioned that he had the same experience with the "SO" when he had contacted this support person on weekends too. Frankly this is a situation that we shouldn't have to deal with . . . we are supposed to be working together but apparently that group has a different set of rules that don't mesh with the usual "service" aspect of the company that I have worked for the past 14 years. Yes, I know that no one likes working overtime and weekends are particularly bad, but unfortunately it comes with the job and you rather have to expect to do what it takes to get the job done.

Oh, well, enough of this. It is over and done with and I have to move on. . . but I hate the feeling of "fear and loathing" for the next migration. I know that these weekends never happen right 100% so I expect I'll have to deal with this again no matter how much the manager I worked under says he'll get this straightened out, lol.

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