Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Pardon my absence but . .

I have been so busy with work and then Thanksgiving holidays . . . I went to Arkansas to visit the family. My sister did the Turkey and fixings at her house in NW Arkansas. I made a pumpkin pie and baked some macadamia stars (fat and sugar, lol) to haul up there. Stayed in FSM with my Mom and brother then we all drove up to my sister's on T'day.

It was crazy just trying to get away from work to leave. I was driving on Wednesday and they had all this testing going on which was supposed to end Wed afternoon. Don't get me started about the stupidity of having testing back up into the holidays (one phase ended while another began on the 1st). I had to work another weekend so that makes 2 weekends in the past month lost to work along with all the additional stress. I did manage to get my exercise in but it was a struggle while there was so much pressure to resolve "defects".

Ok, I won't start up my "bitching" again . . . I went to the Plano office yesterday for some "socializing" with my co-workers/friends and when I was asked "when are you coming back?" . . . I said "certainly you don't mean that! It will be much quieter here tomorrow as you won't have to listen to my complaints".

Work can always present a catch-22 . . . got a project so probably wont be considered for layoff while on that project . . . but hating the project makes it hard to rejoice!! Hopefully, everything will get better once we get through this ugly part of the project . . . testing is always a "testy" time for everyone as we drive towards the january implementation. AND I am going to be off the last part of December with my surgery and vacation/holidays that are needing to be taken. Oh, yes, and I was told that I could take off the weekends that I worked in December . . . LOL, I am sure that everyone forgets that. . . and the fact that there probably wont be any time to take it off since I will already be off.

On the healthy side, I got another chicken to roast. So now I have lots of chicken and a bit pot of chicken soup has been cooked up too! Sooooooo, it helps to have some prepared food around the house. I hope I get enough points at the grocery store to get that roasting pan before I have to do my surgery . . . no shopping while on crutches! Oh, which reminds me . . . "drag out the crutches and practice"!

ok, I think I'll try to get myself motivated to the fitness center early . . . they moved that 8:30am to 10:30am so I have enough time to get over there first thing in the morning(well, by 7am??).

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