Sunday, May 04, 2008

It just impacted on the surface!!!

To borrow a phrase from "Star Wars" (one of my favorite fun movies). Yes, I spared you the minute by minute update of the Mock 4 process I am monitoring. I was up late and got up during the night to check on it . . . yes, it was runnnnnnnnnning for all that time and was approaching 12 hours when it went down again this morning! It was sooooooooooo close to being finished. I had been up since 7am, fortifying my system with coffee and some bfast after I had checked that things were still running so I could send out an update. One hour later I am back looking and nothing is moving!!! then I see that an email had come from my co-worker who had already started looking at it. As the process was in rollback, we werent sure what had caused the problem . . . but he should me a bunch of stuff I could look at in TOAD (a SQL query tool with so much more, lol) so I just learned something new today. But it didn't save of from disappointment when we realized what the problem was . . . a duplicate on an insert!!!! AND how close to the end of processing we had come. This file had approx. 850,000 records . . . and we were like 15,000 from the end!!! Soooooooooooooooooo disappointed!!! And then you have to tell the project manager, etc. who are all waiting for status that "NO, we aren't done" and that it was going to be even longer.

Seriously, I don't like inheriting a process that someone else has written and, in this case, we are left dealing with some bad code construction and process setup . . . but we have to live with it as it is too time-consuming at this point to devise new methods. We correct the code as best we can (like some changes I was doing yesterday involving date processing), but to change other things . . . well, let's just say, I am making notes of things that we need to look at after this is finished. Thankfully, the number of records processed is only this large at the initial load stage. After it goes to a daily update process, the number of records goes down tremendously.

Well, at least there is always something to learn . . . so I can safely say "not ready to roll over and die yet" . . lolololololol!

Meanwhile, E (the Big E) has said he'll watch the process today, so I think I'll go to the nursery to buy some blooming plants, attempt to cleanup my little backyard and, then I'll probably crash this afternoon for some sleep . . . right now I can't sleep, but I know that is is going to hit me soon!

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