Friday, February 18, 2022 (continued)
We cruised into Luxor early enough for a visit to Karnak before dark! One of my favorite temple complexes other than Habu Temple. I have been to Karnak twice for the night light show and 2 other times during the day. You really need more time than we had to properly see more of the complex but we definitely hit the highlights. For me those huge magnificent columns are some of the main things to see. There are so many of them and they tower over everything!
You get a double dose of those columns because I always take so many photos of them
One of our group photos taken with Kay's phone I believe. She's in the photo!
Other cool things to see . . . |
This large scarab has some magic attached to it . . . if you walk around it 7 times! I didn't do that but saw other people.
The group photo in front of Karnak . . looks like we all made it including Kay and Yasmina! |
Back to the boat for our last evening . . .
When we returned to the boat, we had a class with Khairya Mazin, the last of the Mazin sisters who is still teaching Ghawazee style. She has become quite popular for groups and individuals to go to her for a class when they visit Luxor. I went to her flat for a class in 2013 during the Journey through Egypt 4 lead by Sahra Kent.
During the pandemic, I attended a zoom on-line event where Saidi musicians played several pieces and she danced to a few of them. I really enjoyed that so I had no doubt I would find lots to keep me interested even though I wasn't dancing.
I wasn't disappointed. I loved the music and everyone dancing was having a good time. I spotted at least one female passenger who came up to the front of the bar where we were located to join in for a little while.
The rebaba player was so good. It almost made me want to get one to learn how to play. I saw some for sale when we visited a musical instrument store in Cairo/Mohamed Ali Street. I didn't even ask how much they cost, Can you imagine what the neighbors might think when you practice? :-)
I have a few video clips where Khairya teaches then dances with members of the groups . . . here's one of the longer ones . .Khairya with zills . . . but this might be the most fun . . . she is dancing with a stick with the Saidi music: Khairya-Stick-Saidi
After class we went to dinner, then came back to the bar later to watch a belly dancer and a tannoura dancer. I think they were making the rounds of the docked boats because they had short shows. It was a full evening so that was fine.
Photo courtesy of Vickie Ng |
Tannoura photos courtesy of Nikki/Seraphina |
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Saturday was the last day on the boat and our last day in Luxor. We had to be all packed up before our day began so luggage could be stowed on the bus.
Meanwhile, we all crossed over to the West Bank to make stops at Valley of the Kings and Hatshepsut's Temple. I am hurrying through these myself as I have been here before a few times. I have lots of photos from those previous trips but I have to show something of the group!!
I went into one of the tombs but decided to sit outside for awhile instead of going in others. The amenities have expanded since the last time I visited. I remember when the place where the shady cafe sits was a concrete slab. I hate to date myself but I remember when there wasn't a cafe or a concrete slab, hmmmm. These spotty memories have sent me back to look at photos from 2005, 2012, 2013 and 2017/2018.
Ok, I don't want to include photos from a prior trip but I can't resist one photo from Nov 2018 . . . the view to the east from the top of the steps of Hatshepsut's Temple from this trip might not make it too apparent that Karnak can be seen across the Nile. Maybe if you enlarge the photo or squint . . .but look at the photo below this one . . . .
Hatshepsut's Temple as seen from Karnak Temple on the east side of the Nile, Nov. 2018
A quick visit to an alabaster factory . . . I think I have been to a few at this point and I still had to buy a Bastet for my collection and another for my neighbor who stopped by to look after my cats.
During the demonstration, the workmen here had all been coached to say "Oh, my god!" right on cue during the narrative.
photo courtesy of Mary Ann Daniels. |
After the alabaster factory, we headed back to the Nile to get on the motorboat for a cruise to Banana Island for lunch and Tahtib class.
The restaurant we visited is Aladdin's Banana Island. There is a banana plantation on the island along with a few other things tourists can see. We didn't have time for that with the tahtib class after lunch.
Photo courtesy of Nikki/Seraphina |

The Banana Queen! I tried to lay claim to the title but Jessica claimed it!
"Ana Mawz Malika!!!!!"  |
Both above photos courtesy Kay Wheatley |
The restaurant is mostly open air and the group was seated in the outside section. There are lovely painted and cloth decorations inside and out.
The Tahtib class was after lunch. I chose a nice comfy spot to watch and take some more photos. This is quite a scenic spot with the Nile in the background.
Off to Luxor Temple and our last stop before heading to the airport . . . Yes. I know. I try to sneak in as many photos as I can of the Nile with all the sailing/cruising vessels.
Still some daylight left when we arrived with lots of photos a bit shady depending on which direction you are facing.
The Avenue of Sphinxes . . . maybe I will be in Luxor at another time with more time to walk it to Karnak . . . someday!Finished our visit to Luxor Temple and headed out to the airport for our flight back to Cairo . . . Whew!! What a day! I never do this much in one day. I am usually quite lazy, lol. I think we did in one day what I might have spent 3 days doing if on my own. I would have spent way more time sitting by the Nile or cruising on the Nile. Every trip has its own flavor.
We finished our day at the Grand Hotel with falafel sandwiches from Gad. We ate a lot of falafel sandwiches because we always seemed to be rushing around. It was nice when we had time to sit for awhile to eat something more. Our lunch on Banana Island was nice so maybe I will have the opportunity to do that again . . . when I go back to walk the Avenue of Sphinxes.
Cairo/Alexandria in another post . . . or maybe I will split up a bit more by topic to make smaller blog posts. Seriously, the last 3 are already too long!! I have photos from the Islamic Museum and the NMEC in Cairo, the Tannoura show, Alexandria Library, more dance shows in Cairo.
Stay tuned for more blog posts on my February 2022 trip . . . but don't hold your breath . . . these last few might take awhile.
If interested in joining another adventure with Kay Taylor and Farida Adventures, check here: Farida Adventures There just happens to be another trip organized for November 2022.