Just in case you were wondering if I really have an accordion . . . since I do occasionally mention that I'm studying the accordion along with dancing (and travelling for dancing, hahaha) . . . I figure when I can no longer get my feet to move then I can sit and play the accordion! Well, long range plans include getting one that is quarter-toned so I can play Middle Eastern music . . . at this point it seems very long range because I feel like I'm dancing more than ever these days since I'm feeling better and my feet are really feeling better! Note that this accordion is RED! My favorite color . . .well, it is pre-dominately white with some red keys and buttons. I have a RED doumbek (tabla) too . . . along with a RED car! Some people try to tell me that red is an "angry" color and you get more speeding tickets with a red car. I've only had one speeding ticket in my life (with two red cars) and when I "see" red, it makes me smile . . . so what do people know anyway!

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