Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Sfeeha and zaatar

 I fall into a few recipes by accident.   Google and YouTube have been sources for a few lately.  Once I find one, it seems others show up.   I have a couple of other recipes lined up to try but don't hang around with bated breath . . . you will expire possibly, lol

The Lebanese Sfeeha (sfiha) showed up MAYBE because I was looking at empanada recipes. Or was it the khanafeh?  So many recipes!!   But I was happy to give it a try because I had all the ingredients . . . even the ground lamb and pine nuts!!

The recipe made a lot!!  I still have about 2 cups of the filling frozen.  I ended up making 2 batches of the dough , , , I used 2 different dough recipes too.   I had sfeeha frozen for future eating.  I have about worked my way though those too so almost time to make more.

Then I happened on the zaatar!   It really was easy because it was just the zaatar spice mix, olive oil, extra sesame seeds and pizza dough I already mixed up.   I had feta cheese to put on top.  Maybe a bit too long in the oven but it wasn't bad.  Maybe too much zaatar too,

Then there was the quicky version using small naan rounds from the grocery store.  Just some awaaki cheese on the top of the zaatar and olive oil then popped in the microwave!!

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