Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Medinet Habu / Habu Temple, West Bank, Luxor and other rambling thoughts about what I am doing.

This is one of my favorite places and I have visited 3 times (2005, 2012, 2017).   I have lots of photos and I think I have different perspectives from each time I have visited.   I decided to make several collages so I can display more photos.   Maybe I should make a page for Habu?  I have so many photos from my trips to Egypt that it is a real quandary where to put them and how to arrange.   I started the Egypt Dreaming page, where I have posted many photos.   But . . .  then I started to feel I was limiting what I was posting.   Well, I can always change my mind.  Now that I have figured out that collages make sense, maybe I will explore that more.

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