Saturday, May 03, 2008

Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind . . .

LOL, well, I hope that there isn't more ahead, but if the past is a predictor for the future . . . .I will have a rough night ahead of me. We have tested and re-tested this process, but somehow, always new combinations of data cause things to happen. I was on vacation during the last mock so some changes were made that I didn't know too much about . . . not everything was done that could have been done, so it always comes back to haunt you (me and 2 other co-workers, hehe). Good thing we can conference call and get things discussed and hashed out.

So, I made some more coding changes and we re-started the process one more time. Then, as my work laptop has been getting weird errors, I shut it down for a re-boot . . . . now I need to go back to check to be sure things are still running.

I have my fingers crossed I won't be up all night with problems . . . but I think I will be up all night monitoring . . . this process takes about 10 hours to run!

More later . . .

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