Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dancers in Cairo - Dina et al

I did manage to go to see Dina at the Semiramis (going out at midnight is so much fun, lol) plus 3 Nile dinner cruises then the Opening Gala for the Nile Group Festival (one of the reasons I went . . dance classes).
I'll be publishing the photos somewhere . . . my "real" website for one thing and maybe Gilded Serpent will do a photo essay (but I am waiting on the response from Lynette). I always make more work for myself, but I do like to share things around with ppl. I just wish that when/if someone lifts the photo from the various spots they are legitimately published that they would give me the photo credit. I've seen my photos posted on facebook and on other people's websites (imagine that, hehe). I need to figure out how to "imprint" them with my website name.

Update 9/1/2018.   I have noticed that photos are no longer view-able from old blog posts I copied over from "multiply"   (a defunct social media website).  If  I can find them, I re-post . . . But, meanwhile,  lucky that I have a write-up on Gilded Serpent that includes many of the photos.   

Just follow the links: April08Cairo  and dinaapril08

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