Saturday, November 20, 2004

I must have scanned in over 50 photos of my trip to Cairo in Feb. 2004. With a bit of judicious editing and some concentrated time, I'll be creating some new photo galleries in my photoblog. Of course, I'll always be blogging because this starts to get addictive after awhile. I'm really working on my writing skills and with the addition of the digital camera and the ability to scan anything into the computer, I'm about to become a very dangerous woman, ah hahahaha. Ok, some of you have always known I was a bit crazy . . . but that is crazy in a good way . . . because I'd like to emphasize that I'm not "dead" yet and I hope that I don't succumb to the middle-age "couch potato" syndrome. Also, I promise not to bombard this blog with thousands of photos of my 4 (that's FOUR) Maine Coons. As much as I love them (even with the advanced state of breakage while I've been travelling for work), there are only so many pictures of cats people want to look at. Besides, I have so many more interests as you might have noticed in my intro and profile . . . Egypt, Egyptian Music, Egyptian style dancing - Raks Sharki (or Raqs Sharqi), reading, gardening, . . . hey, I like Turkey too . . . wait till I start going through that big stack of photographs from my two-week trip there in 1999! I have some wonderful photographs from Istanbul, Cappadocia, Aphrodisias, Epheseus . . . Oops, I must not get sidetracked before I finish Egypt! OK, I better get back to it, er, or maybe I better go run some errands before this day is completely over. LOL. Catherine Barros

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