Friday, April 08, 2022

The Feline Additions: Pre- and During the Pandemic


Bart came with Teddy in December 2019.  Even though he is several months older than Teddy
, Teddy's foster brought Bart to meet with Teddy to smooth the transition of the adoption. Bart had been waiting awhile for adoption and all his siblings had already found homes.  He's overall a good boy, friendly, easy going with some quirks.

Teddy was approx 4 months old when he was adopted in December 2019.   He will be 3 years old in August 2022.  He is a skittish boy. I knew he would be a bit of a challenge but I was hoping for more progress by now.   At least he isn't hiding from me and I can pet him . . . even rub his belly.  But he won't sleep with me unless he is next to Bart.  Maybe some day.

Then I adopted Ozzy about 6 months later.   I missed my ginger Maine Coon, Rufus, so much.  I thought it would help me if I got another ginger kitty.   They are not even remotely alike except for being ginger with white.  So it goes.

Ozzy was 2 years old in February 2022.

They grow so fast!!! But they still act like kittens.

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