Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Lots of new ideas swirling . . . Part Two

After the "Caged Beads" class, I took a "Stacking Rings" class to learn a bit more about the process of soldering.   I liked it so much I signed up for 2 more classes learning about soldering.

Meanwhile, I've been practicing more swirls . . . along with a few other things.

The snowflake obsidian

Showing off the amethyst combined using rose gold wire with the matte rose quartz and some other practice swirls.

After all this swirling, I was looking on Pinterest for shawl pins.   Don't ask me.   I just tangent off on things  . . .  I am a tangential speaker and thinker.   I drive myself crazy sometimes.  This is one reason I try to do so many projects at one time and never finish anything.  Hmmmm, that isn't really true.  I finish lots of things.  

I am working on  a few things using a wire jig (thing-a-ma-jig??).  Now that is interesting too.   I bought this little device a few years back because I wanted to work with wire.  Seems like a good time to pull it out, right??  I have actually used the jig as background  in recent photos for some reason.  It is a metal sheet with holes in it for inserting pegs to form a design.

Instructions I read in a tutorial, said to draw a design on a piece of paper then place it on the jig.   Then insert pegs into the holes following the drawn design.  Following in design, wrap wire around the pegs to obtain the form of the desired object.

I did it twice for practice.  First with a lighter gauge silver craft wire then the heavier gauge copper wire.

After that, I tried a shawl pin design on Pinterest with the moon incorporated. Still a lighter gauge wire for practice.   I think I need a lot more practice but I think it is a good effort except the "stick" to insert in the body of the pin is too short.

More Swirls . . . . 

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